I'm Doing This For School

Because I'm not too cool for it

Thursday, August 6, 2009

3 Embarrassing!

Situation: You're listening to your [insert player of choice here (iPod, walkman, CD player, 8track, stereo phone, tiny man in the brim of your hat singing to you, etc,.)], and someone you know, or even don't know comes along and says to you, "Hey, what're you listening to?" And at that particular moment in time, you happen to be listening to the most embarrassing song you have in your library or on your mix tape.

This is the face you make when you try to explain yourself.

The super embarrassed face.

Songs that exist like this for me are:
-Amazing Grace by Judy Collins. I'm not religious at all! I just enjoy the melody! STOP JUDGING ME
-Collide by Howie Day. I even made up a dance for it.
-Disappear by Hoobastank. HOOBASTANK
-Hurt by Christina Aguliera.
-Men Behind the Sea by Panic at the Disco. I refuse to put the stupid '!' after Panic because PANIC AT THE DISCO SUCK EGGS OKAY
-She's a Lady by Tom Jones. Bwahahaha this song is so funny but so hard to explain if someone comes up like, "hey whatcha listenin' tooo?" she helped me build a mountain out a little pile a claaay hay hay haaaaay
-Why Can't I? by Liz Phair. Off of NOW 14 woo yea awwrigh

now this, a conglomeration of clips from Alice In Wonderland, I would love to explain if I could get it onto my iPod.

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